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Music Groups


Adult Choir


The Redeemer Choir is our “adult” choir and sings regularly September through May. Rehearsals are on alternating Wednesday evenings from 7:15 pm to 8:15 pm and Sunday morning at 10:00 am prior to the 10:30 worship service. The choir sings a wide variety of music including gospel, contemporary, and traditional styles. New members are always welcome!


Jubilation Ringers


Redeemer is blessed to have a three octave set of Malmark Handbells. Using a “Buy-A-Bell” program designed by David Rankin, 37 bells were “purchased” by members and friends of Redeemer in just 31 days in 2011! We now have an active bell choir! The Jubilation Ringers (Adults) meets on alternate Wednesdays at 7:15 pm. We are so excited about this addition to our Music Ministry and hope that you will consider being a part of one of the groups.


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