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Redeemer Staff

Pastor David Strommen


Pastor David is a graduate of Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, IA, in 1993, and a 1989 graduate of Luther College, Decorah, IA. He has served parishes in Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas. He has served an Episcopal Church in addition to his work in the Lutheran Church and has taught online for Cloud County Community College. He has served as the Central States Synod Area 3 Dean, as well as the Ecumenical Officer for Central States Synod. He and his wife, Anita, have three children: William, Ben and Emily. Pastor David began his ministry at Redeemer on Nov. 1, 2014.








Ruth Mirtz

Organist, Accompanist


Ruth Mirtz is the head organist at Redeemer. She is a graduate of Dana College (Blair, Nebr.) where she studied organ with Dr. Paul Neve. She also holds a Masters of Library and Information Science and a PhD in English. She is the director of the library at K-State Salina. Contact her at


Ann Metcalfe

Director of Music, Choir Director, Bells Director


Ann received her Bachelor's of Music Education from Bethany College in 2009 and her MA in Education from Baker University. She has taught music  in the Smoky Valley School district and is currently teaching music for the Concordia Elementary School.  She was the children's choir director at Messiah Lutheran Church in Lindsborg from 2010 to 2013 and has also been heavily involved with the Lindsborg non-profit theatre company, Broadway RFD. Her husband Daniel and daughter Kahlan are also members of Redeemer.

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