Our Organ
The Redeemer organ has been featured in two national Rodgers advertising campaigns and is considered by Rodgers to be one of the finest examples of a “small” pipe/digital combination organ installed in the United States.
The organ at Redeemer was originally built by the M. P. Möller pipe organ company of Hagerstown, Maryland, and installed in the First Baptist Church in Lebanon, Missouri, in January of 1948. It served that church well for many years, and additions were made to the original organ in 1974. The organ is now a Rodgers/Möller hybrid organ consisting of 12 ranks of pipes and 60 pipe quality digital ranks. Installation at Redeemer was completed in 2008. The organ is played from a two manual Rodgers 788 console.
Our Organ on YouTube
Click on the link to watch a video about our Rodgers/Möller Organ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5m45AD7XZE